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Trial - EUCTR2021-000541-41-IT

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Trial registration number EUCTR2021-000541-41-IT
Full text link
Last imported at : Aug. 17, 2021, 8:30 p.m.
Source : EU Clinical Trials Register

First author
Last imported at : Aug. 17, 2021, 8:30 p.m.
Source : EU Clinical Trials Register

Oslo University Hospital - Surgery, Inflam Diseases,Transplant

Last imported at : Aug. 17, 2021, 8:30 p.m.
Source : EU Clinical Trials Register

Registration date
Last imported at : Aug. 17, 2021, 8:30 p.m.
Source : EU Clinical Trials Register


Recruitment status
Last imported at : Aug. 17, 2021, 8:30 p.m.
Source : EU Clinical Trials Register


Study design
Last imported at : Aug. 17, 2021, 8:30 p.m.
Source : EU Clinical Trials Register


Last imported at : Aug. 17, 2021, 8:30 p.m.
Source : EU Clinical Trials Register


Last imported at : Aug. 17, 2021, 8:30 p.m.
Source : EU Clinical Trials Register


Last imported at : Aug. 17, 2021, 8:30 p.m.
Source : EU Clinical Trials Register

Blind label

Last imported at : Aug. 17, 2021, 8:30 p.m.
Source : EU Clinical Trials Register


Study aim
Last imported at : Aug. 17, 2021, 8:30 p.m.
Source : EU Clinical Trials Register


Inclusion criteria
Last imported at : Aug. 17, 2021, 8:30 p.m.
Source : EU Clinical Trials Register

Master Protocol Number: 1.1 dated 07 April 2021: Participants are eligible to be included in the study only if all the following general inclusion (GI) criteria apply: GI1. >= 18 years of age GI2. Laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection (new infection or reinfection) as determined by PCR not more than 9 days old GI3. Admitted to hospital GI4. Informed consent by the participant or legally authorized representative. GI5A: Moderate disease state defined as hospitalised patients without oxygen therapy or oxygen by mask or nasal prongs needed, or GI5B: Severe/critical disease state defined as fulfilliing at least one of the following criteria: 1. SpO2<90% on room air, or 2. SpO2 90-94% with a downwards trend and/or signs of respiratory distress*, or 3. Need of oxygen by NIV (CPAP, BIPAP), high flow or non-rebreather mask, or 4. Need of mechanical ventilation/ECMO *persistently increased respiratory rate, use of accessory muscles, inability to complete full sentences. Clinical judgement must be applied to determine whether a low oxygen saturation is indicative of disease progression or severity or is habitual for a given patient (i.e., with underlying chronic lung disease). NIV=non-invasive ventilation. CPAP= Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, BPAP= Bi-level Positive Airway Pressure, ECMO = Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Additional inclusion criteria are given in the intervention-specific sub-protocols. Baricitinib specific protocol v. 1.1 dated 07 April 2021: All participants must be eligible according to the master protocol inclusion criteria (SolidAct Part B). Only the general inclusion criteria (GI) for severe/critical COVID-19 are applicable: GI1. >=18 years of age GI2. Laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection (new infection or reinfection) as determined by PCR in any specimen not more than 9 days old GI3. Admitted to hospital GI4. Informed consent by the participant or legally authorized representative. GI5B: Severe/critical disease state defined as fulfilling at least one of the following criteria: 1. SpO2<90% on room air, or 2. SpO2 90-94% with a downwards trend and/or signs of respiratory distress*, or 3. Need of oxygen by NIV (CPAP, BIPAP), high flow or non-rebreather mask, or 4. Need of mechanical ventilation/ECMO *persistently increased respiratory rate, use of accessory muscles, inability to complete full sentences. Clinical judgement must be applied to determine whether a low oxygen saturation is indicative of disease progression or severity or is habitual for a given patient (i.e., with underlying chronic lung disease). NIV=non-invasive ventilation. CPAP= Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, BPAP= Bi-level Positive Airway Pressure, ECMO = extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Master Protocol Number: 1.1 dated 07 April 2021: 1. Età >=18 anni 2. Infezione da SARS-CoV-2 (nuova infezione o reinfezione) determinata tramite analisi con PCR in qualsiasi campione biologico prelevato non oltre i 9 giorni. 3. Ricovero in ospedale 4. Firma del consenso informato del paziente o del suo rappresentante legale autorizzato. 5. Stato della malattia severo/critico determinato da almeno uno dei seguenti parametri: 6. SpO2<90% 7. SpO2 90-94% con un chiaro trend in calo associato a distress dei parametri respiratori. 8. Necessità di ossigeno attraverso ventilazione non invasiva (CPAP, BIPAP) 9. Necessità di ventilazione meccanica con ossigeno terapia Baricitinib specific protocol v. 1.1 dated 07 April 2021: 1. Età >=18 anni 2. Infezione da SARS-CoV-2 (nuova infezione o reinfezione) determinata tramite analisi con PCR in qualsiasi campione biologico prelevato non oltre i 9 giorni. 3. Ricovero in ospedale 4. Firma del consenso informato del paziente o del suo rappresentante legale autorizzato. 5. Stato della malattia severo/critico determinato da almeno uno dei seguenti parametri: 6. SpO2<90% 7. SpO2 90-94% con un chiaro trend in calo associato a distress dei parametri respiratori. 8. Necessità di ossigeno attraverso ventilazione non invasiva (CPAP, BIPAP) 9. Necessità di ventilazione meccanica con ossigeno terapia

Exclusion criteria
Last imported at : Aug. 17, 2021, 8:30 p.m.
Source : EU Clinical Trials Register

Master Protocol Number 1.1 dated 07 April 2021: Participants are excluded from the study if any of the following general exclusion criteria apply: GE1. Anticipated transfer to another non-trial hospital within 72 hours Additional exclusion criteria, included prohibited medication, confounding trials and details on contraception and pregnancy are given in the intervention-specific sub-protocols. Baricitinib specific protocol v. 1.1 dated 07 April 2021: GE1. Anticipated transfer to another non-trial hospital within 72 hours. In addition, participants are excluded from being eligible for the intervention cohort if any of the additional specific exclusion (SE) criteria below apply: SE-01. Receiving cytotoxic or biologic treatments (such as tumour necrosis factor [TNF] inhibitors, anti-interleukin-1 [IL-1, e.g. anakinra], anti-IL-6 [e.g. tocilizumab or sarilumab], T-cell or B-cell targeted therapies (e.g. rituximab), interferon, or Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors (including baricitinib) for any indication at study entry. SE-02. Have received high dose corticosteroids at doses >20 mg prednisone (or prednisone equivalent) per day administered for =14 consecutive days in the month prior to study entry. SE-03. Have received dexamethasone 6 mg once daily for more than 4 days prior to screening as part of SoC for severe/critical COVID-19 SE-04. Had COVID-related symptoms > 14 days or hospitalized > 7 days. SE-05. Strong inhibitors of organic anion transporter 3 [OAT3], (e.g. probenecid) that cannot be discontinued at study entry. SE-06. Have received neutralizing antibodies for COVID-19, except if receiving such treatment as part of EU SolidAct part A after disease progression. SE-07. Have received any live vaccine within 4 weeks before screening, or intend to receive a live vaccine during the study (until day 90 (+/- 14 days)). SE-08. Are using or will use extracorporeal blood purification (EBP) device to remove proinflammatory cytokines from the blood such as a cytokine absorption or filtering device, for example, CytoSorb®. SE-09. Have diagnosis of current active tuberculosis (TB) or, if known, latent TB treated for less than 4 weeks with appropriate anti-tuberculosis therapy per local guidelines (by history only, no screening tests required). SE-10. Suspected serious, active bacterial, fungal, viral, or other infection (besides COVID-19) that in the opinion of the investigator could constitute a risk when taking investigational product. SE-11. Current diagnosis of active malignancy that, in the opinion of the investigator, could constitute a risk when taking investigational product. SE-12. Have a history of venous thromboembolism (VTE) (deep vein thrombosis [DVT] and/or pulmonary embolism [PE]) within 12 weeks prior to randomization or have a history of recurrent (>1) VTE (DVT/PE). SE-13. Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) or aspartate aminotransferase (AST) >5 times ULN. SE-14. Subjects with estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) (Modification of Diet in Renal Disease [MDRD]) <15 millilitre/minute/1.73 meters squared are excluded. SE-15. Known hypersensitivity to baricitinib or any of its excipients. SE-16. Are pregnant, or intend to become pregnant or breastfeed during the study. Master Protocol Number 1.1 dated 07 April 2021: 1.Trasferimento anticipato del paziente presso un altro ospedale entro le 72h dal ricovero 2.Trattamenti con agenti citotossici o biologici (per esempio inibitori TNF, anti-interleuchina 1, anti IL-6, terapie target con T cell o B cell, interferone o Janus chinasi. 3.Precedenti trattamenti con corticosteroidi ad alte dosi con di prednisone, > 20 mg al giorno per 14 o più giorni, dal mese precedente dell’ingresso nello studio. 4.Precedenti trattamenti con desametasone 6mg una volta al giorno per più di 4 giorni prima dello screening per lo studio. 5.Pazienti che hanno avuto sintomi da covid-19 per più di 14 giorni, oppure ospedalizzati per più di 7 giorni. 6.Trattamento con inibitori di trasportatori organici di anioni (es. Probenecid) che non possono essere discontinuati prima dell’ingresso nello studio. 7.Trattamento con anticorpi neutralizzanti per la cura dell’infezione da COVID-19 8.Qualsiasi tipo di vaccino nelle 4 settimane antecedenti allo screening dello studio o che intendono sottoporsi a vaccinazione durante il periodo di studio. 9.Devices per la purificazione del sangue extracorporeo per la rimozione di citochine proinfiammatorie. 10.Diagnosi di tubercolosi trattata per meno di 4 settimane con terapia appropriata. 11.Sospetta infezione batterica, virale, funginea o altre infezioni che secondo l’opinione del medico possono costituire un rischio, se associate all’assunzione del farmaco in studio. 12.Diagnosi di malattie concomitanti che secondo l’opinione del medico possono inficiare la partecipazione allo studio. 13.Precedente storia di tromboembolia venosa (es. DVT) nelle 12 settimane antecedenti alla randomizzazione dello studio. 14.Storia di nota di ipersensibilità al Baricitinib 15.Gravidanza o allattamento 16.Partecipazione ad altra sperimentazione clinica che investiga altri immunomodulatori per il COVID-19. Baricitinib specific protocol v. 1.1 dated 07 April 2021: 1.Trasferimento anticipato del paziente presso un altro ospedale entro le 72 ore dal ricovero 2.Trattamenti con agenti citotossici o biologici (per esempio inibitori TNF, anti-interleuchina 1, anti IL-6, terapie target con T cell o B cell, interferone o Janus chinasi. 3.Precedenti trattamenti con corticosteroidi ad alte dosi di prednisone, > 20 mg al giorno per 14 o più giorni, dal mese precedente dell’ingresso nello studio. 4.Precedenti trattamenti con desametasone 6mg una volta al giorno per più di 4 giorni prima dello screening per lo studio. 5.Pazienti che hanno avuto sintomi da covid-19 per più di 14 giorni, oppure ospedalizzati per più di 7 giorni. 6.Trattamento con inibitori di trasportatori organici di anioni (es. Probenecid) che non possono essere discontinuati prima dell’ingresso nello studio. 7.Pazienti che hanno ricevuto anticorpi neutralizzanti per la cura dell’infezione da COVID-19 8.Pazienti che hanno ricevuto qualsiasi tipo di vaccino nelle 4 settimane antecedenti allo screening dello studio o che intendono sottoporsi a vaccinazione durante il periodo di studio. 9.Pazienti che hanno utilizzato o che useranno devices per la purificazione del sangue extracorporeo per la rimozione di citochine proinfiammatorie. 10.Pazienti che hanno ricevuto una diagnosi di tubercolosi trattata per meno di 4 settimane con terapia appropriata. 11.Sospetta infezione batterica, virale, funginea o altre infezioni che secondo l’opinione del medico possono costituire un rischio, se associate all’assunzione del farmaco in studio. 12.Diagnosi di malattie concomitanti che secondo l’opinione del medico possono inficiare la partecipazione allo studio. 13.Precedente storia di tromboembolia venosa (es. DVT) nelle 12 settimane antecedenti alla randomizzazione dello studio. 14.AST o ALT > 5 volte ULN 15.Tasso di filtrazione glomerulare stimato < 15 mL/sec 16.Storia di nota di ipersensibilità al Baricitinib 17.Gravidanza o allattamento

Number of arms
Last imported at : Aug. 17, 2021, 8:30 p.m.
Source : EU Clinical Trials Register


Last imported at : Aug. 17, 2021, 8:30 p.m.
Source : EU Clinical Trials Register


Inclusion age min
Last imported at : Aug. 17, 2021, 8:30 p.m.
Source : EU Clinical Trials Register


Inclusion age max
Last imported at : Aug. 17, 2021, 8:30 p.m.
Source : EU Clinical Trials Register


Last imported at : Aug. 17, 2021, 8:30 p.m.
Source : EU Clinical Trials Register

Austria;Belgium;Czech Republic;France;Germany;Greece;Hungary;Ireland;Italy;Luxembourg;Norway;Poland;Portugal;Slovakia;Spain;Turkey

Type of patients
Last imported at : Aug. 17, 2021, 8:30 p.m.
Source : EU Clinical Trials Register

Moderate/severe/critical disease at enrollment

Severity scale
Last imported at : Aug. 17, 2021, 8:30 p.m.
Source : EU Clinical Trials Register

5: Moderate/severe/critical disease at enrollment

Total sample size
Last imported at : Aug. 17, 2021, 8:30 p.m.
Source : EU Clinical Trials Register


primary outcome
Last imported at : Aug. 17, 2021, 8:30 p.m.
Source : EU Clinical Trials Register

Master Protocol Number 1.1 dated 07 April 2021: Part A, moderate disease: Occurrence of disease progression, defined as a progression of disease state from moderate (WHO score 4-5) to severe/critical (WHO score 6-9) or death (WHO score 10) within 14 days. Part B, severe disease: Occurrence of death within 60 days. Baricitinib specific protocol v. 1.1 dated 07 April 2021: Occurrence of death within 60 days Master Protocol Number 1.1 dated 07 April 2021: Endpoint primario della Parte A della Fase 3: Malattia moderata Incidenza della progressione di malattia definita come progressione dallo stato moderato (WHO score 4-5) a severo (WHO score 6-9) o decesso (WHO score 6-9) nei 14 giorni dall’inizio del trattamento. Endpoint primario della Parte B della Fase 3: Malattia severa Tasso di mortalità nei 60 giorni successivi all’inizio del trattamento Baricitinib specific protocol v. 1.1 dated 07 April 2021: Mortalità entro 60 giorni dall’inizio del trattamento

Last imported at : Aug. 17, 2021, 8:30 p.m.
Source : EU Clinical Trials Register

Declared number of arm (3.0) differs from found arms (2.0)

Last imported at : Aug. 17, 2021, 8:30 p.m.
Source : EU Clinical Trials Register

Phase 3

Last imported at : Aug. 17, 2021, 8:30 p.m.
Source : EU Clinical Trials Register

[{"arm_notes": "", "treatment_id": 181, "treatment_name": "Baricitinib", "treatment_type": "Kinase inhibitors", "pharmacological_treatment": "Pharmacological treatment"}, {"arm_notes": "", "treatment_id": 2187, "treatment_name": "Placebo", "treatment_type": "Placebo", "pharmacological_treatment": "Placebo"}]