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Column | Value |
Trial registration number | EUCTR2020-001622-64-ES |
Full text link
Last imported at : Oct. 26, 2020, 7:26 a.m. Source : EU Clinical Trials Register |
https://www.clinicaltrialsregister.eu/ctr-search/trial/2020-001622-64/ES |
First author
Last imported at : Oct. 26, 2020, 7:26 a.m. Source : EU Clinical Trials Register |
Last imported at : Oct. 26, 2020, 7:26 a.m. Source : EU Clinical Trials Register |
mjcoma@hubu.es |
Registration date
Last imported at : Oct. 26, 2020, 7:26 a.m. Source : EU Clinical Trials Register |
2020-04-20 |
Recruitment status
Last imported at : Oct. 26, 2020, 7:26 a.m. Source : EU Clinical Trials Register |
Recruiting |
Study design
Last imported at : Oct. 26, 2020, 7:26 a.m. Source : EU Clinical Trials Register |
Last imported at : Oct. 26, 2020, 7:26 a.m. Source : EU Clinical Trials Register |
Randomized |
Last imported at : Oct. 26, 2020, 7:26 a.m. Source : EU Clinical Trials Register |
Parallel |
Last imported at : Oct. 26, 2020, 7:26 a.m. Source : EU Clinical Trials Register |
Open label |
Last imported at : Oct. 26, 2020, 7:26 a.m. Source : EU Clinical Trials Register |
single-center |
Study aim
Last imported at : Oct. 26, 2020, 7:26 a.m. Source : EU Clinical Trials Register |
Treatment |
Inclusion criteria
Last imported at : Oct. 26, 2020, 7:26 a.m. Source : EU Clinical Trials Register |
- Age 18 to 75. - Both sexes - Diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection, by PCR and/or Ac (IgM+) and/or Ag test - Clinical diagnosis of pulmonary involvement (respiratory symptoms +/- pathological auscultation +/- O2 desaturation) + Chest X with mild-moderate or normal alterations. - Verbal informed consent in front of witnesses, reflected in medical records. - Edad de 18 a 75 años. - Ambos sexos - Diagnóstico de infección por SARS-CoV-2, mediante PCR y/o test de Ac (IgM+) y/o Ag. - Diagnóstico clínico de afectación pulmonar: (síntomas respiratorios +/- auscultación patológica +/- desaturación O2 ) + Rx tórax con alteraciones leves-moderadas ó normal. - Consentimiento informado verbal ante testigos, reflejado en historia clínica. |
Exclusion criteria
Last imported at : Oct. 26, 2020, 7:26 a.m. Source : EU Clinical Trials Register |
- Desaturation <93% or PO2 < 62 - Moderate-severe dyspnea or significant respiratory or general deterioration that makes admission advisable. - Chest x-ray with multifocal cotton infiltrates. - Insulin-dependent diabetes with poor control or glycaemia in the emergency analysis greater than 300 mg/ml (fasting or not). - Other significant comorbidities: severe renal failure CrCl < 30 ml/min, cirrhosis or chronic liver disease, poorly controlled hypertension. - Heart rhythm disturbances (including prolonged QT). - Severe immunosuppression (HIV infection, long-term use of immunosuppressive agents), cancer. - Pregnant or lactating women - Use of glucocorticoids for other diseases - Unwilling or unable to participate until the study is complete - Participate in another study - Allergy or intolerance to any of the study drugs (Prednisone, Azithromycin or Hydroxychloroquine) - Taking any of the drugs being tested within 7 days of being included in the study - Non-suppressible drugs with risk of QT prolongation or significant interactions. - Desaturación <93% o PO2 < 62 - Disnea moderada-severa o deterioro respiratorio o general importante que hagan aconsejable su ingreso. - Rx tórax con infiltrados algodonosos multifocales. - Diabetes insulino-dependiente de mal control ó Glucemia en analítica de Urgencias mayor de 300 mg/ml (ayunas o no). - Otras comorbilidades significativas: Insuficiencia renal grave CrCl < 30 ml/min, cirrosis o hepatopatía crónica, hipertensión mal controlada. - Alteraciones del ritmo cardiaco (incluido el QT prolongado). - Inmunosupresión severa (infección por VIH, uso a largo plazo de agentes inmunosupresores), cáncer. - Mujeres embarazadas o lactantes - Uso de glucocorticoides para otras enfermedades - No querer o no poder participar hasta completar el estudio - Participar en otro estudio. - Alergia o intolerancia a cualquiera de los fármacos del estudio (Prednisona, Azitromicina ó Hidroxicloroquina) . - Toma de alguno de los fármacos en ensayo en los 7 días previos a la inclusión en el estudio. - Fármacos no suprimibles con riesgo de prolongación QT o interacciones significativas. |
Number of arms
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2 |
Last imported at : Oct. 26, 2020, 7:26 a.m. Source : EU Clinical Trials Register |
Dra Ana Pueyo Bastida |
Inclusion age min
Last imported at : Oct. 26, 2020, 7:26 a.m. Source : EU Clinical Trials Register |
18 |
Inclusion age max
Last imported at : Oct. 26, 2020, 7:26 a.m. Source : EU Clinical Trials Register |
75 |
Last imported at : Oct. 26, 2020, 7:26 a.m. Source : EU Clinical Trials Register |
Spain |
Type of patients
Last imported at : Oct. 26, 2020, 7:26 a.m. Source : EU Clinical Trials Register |
Moderate disease at enrollment |
Severity scale
Last imported at : Oct. 26, 2020, 7:26 a.m. Source : EU Clinical Trials Register |
3: Moderate disease at enrollment |
Total sample size
Last imported at : Oct. 26, 2020, 7:26 a.m. Source : EU Clinical Trials Register |
200 |
primary outcome
Last imported at : Oct. 26, 2020, 7:26 a.m. Source : EU Clinical Trials Register |
referral from a Primary Care health professional, will be evaluated when they present symptoms of low respiratory tract, persistent cough, dyspnea, tightness in the chest, or for reappearance of fever, worsening or lack of improvement, after several days of previous clinic (general malaise, fever, upper tract symptoms, diarrhoea...). In the Emergency Department, the established triage and action procedure will be performed, which includes confirmation of the infection by PCR or determination of Ag (as established by the health authorities). Patients with a confirmed diagnosis of infection in previous days, and who have not received other treatment that is not symptomatic, will also be included. Variables to be determined include: auscultation, O2 saturation and/or blood gas and Chest x-ray, CBC, including inflammation markers and blood biometrics, ECG. Depending on the results: If the patient is an admission subsidiary, he is not included in the study. If the patient can be managed on an outpatient basis, meets all the criteria for inclusion and none for exclusion, data will be taken from the data collection sheet by the person responsible, verbal informed consent will be requested in front of witnesses and recorded in the medical record, and treatment will be assigned according to 1:1 randomization (established by order of inclusion). Group 1. Symptomatic treatment (paracetamol 1 g on demand) + Hydroxychloroquine + Azithromycin x 5 days Group 2. Symptomatic treatment + Hydroxychloroquine + Azithromycin + Prednisone The main result is admission after 30 days. Secondary outcomes are 30-day ICU admission and hospital stay. The safety variable will be the occurrence of outbreaks of steroid-related psychosis. All analyses will be by intention to treat. Los pacientes que acudan al servicio de urgencias, ya sea por decisión propia o por derivación de un profesional sanitario de Atención Primaria, serán evaluados cuando presenten síntomas de vías respiratorias bajas, tos persistente, disnea, opresión en el pecho, o por reaparición de la fiebre, empeoramiento o falta de mejoría, tras varios días de consulta previa (malestar general, fiebre, síntomas del tracto superior, diarrea...). En el Servicio de Urgencias se realizará el procedimiento de triaje y actuación establecido, que incluye la confirmación de la infección mediante PCR o la determinación de la Ag (según lo establecido por las autoridades sanitarias). También se incluirán los pacientes con un diagnóstico confirmado de infección en días anteriores y que no hayan recibido otro tratamiento que no sea sintomático. Las variables que se determinarán son: auscultación, saturación de O2 y/o gases sanguíneos y radiografía de tórax, CBC, incluidos los marcadores de inflamación y la biométrica de la sangre, ECG. Dependiendo de los resultados: Si el paciente es una filial de admisión, no se le incluye en el estudio. Si el paciente puede ser atendido de forma ambulatoria, cumple todos los criterios de inclusión y ninguno de exclusión, los datos serán extraídos de la hoja de recogida de datos por la persona responsable, se solicitará el consentimiento informado verbal ante testigos y se registrará en la historia clínica, y el tratamiento se asignará de acuerdo con una aleatorización 1:1 (establecida por orden de inclusión). Grupo 1. Tratamiento sintomático (paracetamol 1 g a demanda) + Hidroxicloroquina + Azitromicina x 5 días Grupo 2. Tratamiento sintomático + Hidroxicloroquina + Azitromicina + Prednisona El resultado principal es la admisión después de 30 días. Los resultados secundarios son la admisión en la UCI a los 30 días y la estancia en el hospital. La variable de seguridad será la aparición de brotes de psicosis relacionada con los esteroides. Todos los análisis serán por intención de tratar. |
Last imported at : Oct. 26, 2020, 7:26 a.m. Source : EU Clinical Trials Register |
Declared number of arm (2.0) differs from found arms (1.0) |
Last imported at : Oct. 26, 2020, 7:26 a.m. Source : EU Clinical Trials Register |
Phase 4 |
Last imported at : Oct. 26, 2020, 7:26 a.m. Source : EU Clinical Trials Register |
[{"arm_notes": "extracted 'symptomatic treatment' as 'standard of care' ", "treatment_id": 1534, "treatment_name": "Azithromycin+hydroxychloroquine", "treatment_type": "Antibiotics+antimalarials", "pharmacological_treatment": "Pharmacological treatment"}, {"arm_notes": "extracted 'symptomatic treatment' as 'standard of care' ", "treatment_id": 1540, "treatment_name": "Azithromycin+hydroxychloroquine+prednisone", "treatment_type": "Antibiotics+antimalarials+corticosteroids", "pharmacological_treatment": "Pharmacological treatment"}] |