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Oct. 26, 2020, 8:29 a.m. oms

1. Healthy adults aged 18-59 years, or 60 years and above who can provide legal identity certificate of their own, both males and females are acceptable, 2. Subjects who understand the contents of the informed consent form and the background of the investigational vaccine, agree to sign the informed consent form voluntarily, and are able to use thermometer and scale, and may fill in the diary card and contact card as required, 3. Subjects who are able to have good communicate with investigator(s), understand and comply with the requirements of this study, 4. Axillary temperature= 37.3 ? on the day of vaccination.

1. Healthy adults aged 18-59 years, or 60 years and above who can provide legal identity certificate of their own, both males and females are acceptable, 2. Subjects who understand the contents of the informed consent form and the background of the investigational vaccine, agree to sign the informed consent form voluntarily, and are able to use thermometer and scale, and may fill in the diary card and contact card as required, 3. Subjects who are able to have good communicate with investigator(s), understand and comply with the requirements of this study, 4. Axillary temperature= 37.3 ? on the day of vaccination.