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Oct. 26, 2020, 8:29 a.m. oms

1. Those who agree to take part in the test and sign the informed consent form voluntarily, 2. Adult aged >=18years old, male or female, 3. The inpatients with mild or common type of COVID-19 confirmed according to the diagnostic criteria COVID-19 diagnosis and treatment plan - Sixth trial edition issued by the National Health Commission. 4. Respiratory Specimens (including but not limited to sputum, nasopharyngeal swab and secretion of lower respiratory tracts) were positive for 2019-ncov nucleic acid by real-time fluorescent RT-PCR, or respiratory specimens were genetically sequenced and highly homologous to known 2019-ncov.

1. Those who agree to take part in the test and sign the informed consent form voluntarily, 2. Adult aged >=18years old, male or female, 3. The inpatients with mild or common type of COVID-19 confirmed according to the diagnostic criteria COVID-19 diagnosis and treatment plan - Sixth trial edition issued by the National Health Commission. 4. Respiratory Specimens (including but not limited to sputum, nasopharyngeal swab and secretion of lower respiratory tracts) were positive for 2019-ncov nucleic acid by real-time fluorescent RT-PCR, or respiratory specimens were genetically sequenced and highly homologous to known 2019-ncov.