Created at Source Raw Value Validated value
Oct. 26, 2020, 8:29 a.m. oms

[{"arm_notes": "", "treatment_id": null, "treatment_name": "experimental group:Based on the standard treatment recommended in the guidelines; a combination of tozumab and adamumab was used;control group:Follow the guidelines for standard treatment;", "treatment_type": "TODO", "pharmacological_treatment": "TODO"}, {"arm_notes": "", "treatment_id": null, "treatment_name": "experimental group:Based on the standard treatment recommended in the guidelines; a combination of tozumab and adamumab was used", "treatment_type": "TODO", "pharmacological_treatment": "TODO"}, {"arm_notes": "", "treatment_id": null, "treatment_name": "control group:Follow the guidelines for standard treatment;", "treatment_type": "TODO", "pharmacological_treatment": "TODO"}]

[{"arm_notes": "", "treatment_id": 2191, "treatment_name": "Adalimumab+tocilizumab", "treatment_type": "Other targeted therapies+interleukin inhibitors", "pharmacological_treatment": "Pharmacological treatment"}, {"arm_notes": "", "treatment_id": 2188, "treatment_name": "Standard of care", "treatment_type": "Standard of care", "pharmacological_treatment": "Standard of care"}]