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Oct. 26, 2020, 8:29 a.m. oms

1. Any situation where the programme cannot be carried out safely, 2. Patients who have used interferon or remedesivir, 3. No clinical manifestations and chest imaging findings, 4. Known allergy or hypersensitivity to interferon (including asthma), 5. Disabled in patients with uncontrolled autoimmune diseases, 6. Patients with severe heart disease, decompensated liver disease, renal insufficiency (CrCL <50ml / min), and those with abnormal bone marrow function are prohibited, 7. Epilepsy and impaired central nervous system function, 8. Pregnancy: Positive pregnancy test for women of childbearing age, 9. Breastfeeding women have not stopped breastfeeding, 10. The patient may be transferred to a non-participating hospital within 72 hours.

1. Any situation where the programme cannot be carried out safely, 2. Patients who have used interferon or remedesivir, 3. No clinical manifestations and chest imaging findings, 4. Known allergy or hypersensitivity to interferon (including asthma), 5. Disabled in patients with uncontrolled autoimmune diseases, 6. Patients with severe heart disease, decompensated liver disease, renal insufficiency (CrCL <50ml / min), and those with abnormal bone marrow function are prohibited, 7. Epilepsy and impaired central nervous system function, 8. Pregnancy: Positive pregnancy test for women of childbearing age, 9. Breastfeeding women have not stopped breastfeeding, 10. The patient may be transferred to a non-participating hospital within 72 hours.