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Oct. 26, 2020, 8:29 a.m. oms

(1) Female patients during pregnancy or lactation, (2) Patients allergic to lipoic acid or similar drugs (B vitamins), previously intolerant to the recommended dose of lipoic acid, (3) Patients who are taking part in clinical trials of other drugs, (4) Patients are taking other foods or drugs with antioxidant effect, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, etc. (5) Patients with other serious diseases that may threaten life, such as cancer.

(1) Female patients during pregnancy or lactation, (2) Patients allergic to lipoic acid or similar drugs (B vitamins), previously intolerant to the recommended dose of lipoic acid, (3) Patients who are taking part in clinical trials of other drugs, (4) Patients are taking other foods or drugs with antioxidant effect, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, etc. (5) Patients with other serious diseases that may threaten life, such as cancer.