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Oct. 26, 2020, 8:29 a.m. oms

(1) Adults aged >=18 years understand and agree to sign informed consent, (2) a novel coronavirus infection confirmed by laboratory RT-PCR. (3) Hospitalized patients with fever (axillary temperature >=37.0 degree C) or respiratory symptoms, (4) The interval between symptom onset and immediate enrollment is within 14 days, (5) Those who did not participate in other clinical trials within 3 months, (6) No other antiviral drugs were involved in the follow-up study within 14 days.

(1) Adults aged >=18 years understand and agree to sign informed consent, (2) a novel coronavirus infection confirmed by laboratory RT-PCR. (3) Hospitalized patients with fever (axillary temperature >=37.0 degree C) or respiratory symptoms, (4) The interval between symptom onset and immediate enrollment is within 14 days, (5) Those who did not participate in other clinical trials within 3 months, (6) No other antiviral drugs were involved in the follow-up study within 14 days.