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Oct. 26, 2020, 8:29 a.m. oms

Chest imaging;RNA test of COVID-19;Time to remission/disappearance of primary symptoms: defined as the number of days when the three main symptoms of fever; cough; and shortness of breath are all relieved / disappeared;Completely antipyretic time: completely antipyretic was defined as the body temperature return to normal for over 24 hours.;Blood oxygen saturation;Time to 2019-nCoV RT-PCR negativity: defined as the last test time for two consecutive negative respiratory viral nucleic acid tests (sampling interval of at least 1 day);Liver; renal and heart function;

Chest imaging;RNA test of COVID-19;Time to remission/disappearance of primary symptoms: defined as the number of days when the three main symptoms of fever; cough; and shortness of breath are all relieved / disappeared;Completely antipyretic time: completely antipyretic was defined as the body temperature return to normal for over 24 hours.;Blood oxygen saturation;Time to 2019-nCoV RT-PCR negativity: defined as the last test time for two consecutive negative respiratory viral nucleic acid tests (sampling interval of at least 1 day);Liver; renal and heart function;