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Nov. 17, 2021, 7 p.m. usa

Feasibility study for omega-3 fatty acid supplementation v. placebo in adult patients to limit long covid syndrome - Compliance as captured by the number of participants who remain compliant for the whole duration of the study by taking all pills daily;Feasibility study for omega-3 fatty acid supplementation v. placebo in adult patients to limit long covid syndrome - Recruitment as illustrated by the number of screen failures (potential participants approached but not interested in participating).;Feasibility study for omega-3 fatty acid supplementation v. placebo in adult patients to limit long covid syndrome - Retention as illustrated by the number of participants that initiate but do not complete the study.

Feasibility study for omega-3 fatty acid supplementation v. placebo in adult patients to limit long covid syndrome - Compliance as captured by the number of participants who remain compliant for the whole duration of the study by taking all pills daily;Feasibility study for omega-3 fatty acid supplementation v. placebo in adult patients to limit long covid syndrome - Recruitment as illustrated by the number of screen failures (potential participants approached but not interested in participating).;Feasibility study for omega-3 fatty acid supplementation v. placebo in adult patients to limit long covid syndrome - Retention as illustrated by the number of participants that initiate but do not complete the study.