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June 25, 2024, noon usa

* less than 18 years of age. * active sinus infection. * new diagnosis of untreated crs. * prior diagnosis of dementia or parkinson's disease. * prior head trauma or neurosurgical procedure resulting in olfactory loss. * patients who do not speak or read english. * patients unable to understand and sign the study consent.

* less than 18 years of age. * active sinus infection. * new diagnosis of untreated crs. * prior diagnosis of dementia or parkinson's disease. * prior head trauma or neurosurgical procedure resulting in olfactory loss. * patients who do not speak or read english. * patients unable to understand and sign the study consent.

July 8, 2021, 4 a.m. usa

- less than 18 years of age. - active sinus infection. - new diagnosis of untreated crs. - prior diagnosis of dementia or parkinson's disease. - prior head trauma or neurosurgical procedure resulting in olfactory loss. - patients who do not speak or read english. - patients unable to understand and sign the study consent.

- less than 18 years of age. - active sinus infection. - new diagnosis of untreated crs. - prior diagnosis of dementia or parkinson's disease. - prior head trauma or neurosurgical procedure resulting in olfactory loss. - patients who do not speak or read english. - patients unable to understand and sign the study consent.