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June 25, 2024, noon usa

inclusion criteria: * has had prior laboratory-confirmed sars-cov-2 infection as determined by an approved polymerase chain reaction (pcr) or an approved antigen test of any specimen * has had a recent (within a week) negative sars-cov-2 test (an approved pcr or antigen test) * has had at least moderate or severe post-covid-19 pulmonary symptoms for at least 3 months which have resulted in reduced physical functioning compared to pre-covid-19 status * willing to follow contraception guidelines

inclusion criteria: * has had prior laboratory-confirmed sars-cov-2 infection as determined by an approved polymerase chain reaction (pcr) or an approved antigen test of any specimen * has had a recent (within a week) negative sars-cov-2 test (an approved pcr or antigen test) * has had at least moderate or severe post-covid-19 pulmonary symptoms for at least 3 months which have resulted in reduced physical functioning compared to pre-covid-19 status * willing to follow contraception guidelines

June 4, 2021, 12:32 a.m. usa

inclusion criteria: - has had prior laboratory-confirmed sars-cov-2 infection as determined by an approved polymerase chain reaction (pcr) or an approved antigen test of any specimen - has had a recent (within a week) negative sars-cov-2 test (an approved pcr or antigen test) - has had at least moderate or severe post-covid-19 pulmonary symptoms for at least 3 months which have resulted in reduced physical functioning compared to pre-covid-19 status - willing to follow contraception guidelines

inclusion criteria: - has had prior laboratory-confirmed sars-cov-2 infection as determined by an approved polymerase chain reaction (pcr) or an approved antigen test of any specimen - has had a recent (within a week) negative sars-cov-2 test (an approved pcr or antigen test) - has had at least moderate or severe post-covid-19 pulmonary symptoms for at least 3 months which have resulted in reduced physical functioning compared to pre-covid-19 status - willing to follow contraception guidelines