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June 25, 2024, noon usa

inclusion criteria: 1. male or female patients of age 18 to 65 years (both inclusive) who have been hospitalized for treatment of moderate covid-19 disease. 2. patients with 'moderate' covid-19 disease severity, as defined by comprehensive guidelines for management of covid-19 patients, directorate general of health services, mohfw, goi; and having any of the following symptoms and signs prior to randomization: 1. fever, cough, with or without sore throat/throat irritation, body ache/headache, malaise/weakness, diarrhoea or gastrointestinal upset, with or without anorexia/nausea/vomiting, with or without loss of smell and/or taste, shortness of breath/breathlessness and difficulty in breathing 2. respiratory rate of \>24 to \<30 breaths/min, 3. spo2: 90 - 93% on room air 3. patients with positive rt-pcr test for sars-cov-2 in nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal swabs (sample collected within 7 days prior to randomization) 4. elevated crp, esr or ferritin levels 5. in case of female patients of child-bearing potential, a negative urine pregnancy test prior to beginning the therapy. 6. willing to sign voluntary informed consent for participation in the study and willing to adhere to all protocol procedures. in case the subject is unable to provide informed consent than the same should be obtained from legally acceptable representative (lar).

inclusion criteria: 1. male or female patients of age 18 to 65 years (both inclusive) who have been hospitalized for treatment of moderate covid-19 disease. 2. patients with 'moderate' covid-19 disease severity, as defined by comprehensive guidelines for management of covid-19 patients, directorate general of health services, mohfw, goi; and having any of the following symptoms and signs prior to randomization: 1. fever, cough, with or without sore throat/throat irritation, body ache/headache, malaise/weakness, diarrhoea or gastrointestinal upset, with or without anorexia/nausea/vomiting, with or without loss of smell and/or taste, shortness of breath/breathlessness and difficulty in breathing 2. respiratory rate of \>24 to \<30 breaths/min, 3. spo2: 90 - 93% on room air 3. patients with positive rt-pcr test for sars-cov-2 in nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal swabs (sample collected within 7 days prior to randomization) 4. elevated crp, esr or ferritin levels 5. in case of female patients of child-bearing potential, a negative urine pregnancy test prior to beginning the therapy. 6. willing to sign voluntary informed consent for participation in the study and willing to adhere to all protocol procedures. in case the subject is unable to provide informed consent than the same should be obtained from legally acceptable representative (lar).

Dec. 21, 2022, 8 a.m. usa

inclusion criteria: male or female patients of age 18 to 65 years (both inclusive) who have been hospitalized for treatment of moderate covid-19 disease. patients with 'moderate' covid-19 disease severity, as defined by comprehensive guidelines for management of covid-19 patients, directorate general of health services, mohfw, goi; and having any of the following symptoms and signs prior to randomization: fever, cough, with or without sore throat/throat irritation, body ache/headache, malaise/weakness, diarrhoea or gastrointestinal upset, with or without anorexia/nausea/vomiting, with or without loss of smell and/or taste, shortness of breath/breathlessness and difficulty in breathing respiratory rate of >24 to <30 breaths/min, spo2: 90 - 93% on room air patients with positive rt-pcr test for sars-cov-2 in nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal swabs (sample collected within 7 days prior to randomization) elevated crp, esr or ferritin levels in case of female patients of child-bearing potential, a negative urine pregnancy test prior to beginning the therapy. willing to sign voluntary informed consent for participation in the study and willing to adhere to all protocol procedures. in case the subject is unable to provide informed consent than the same should be obtained from legally acceptable representative (lar).

inclusion criteria: male or female patients of age 18 to 65 years (both inclusive) who have been hospitalized for treatment of moderate covid-19 disease. patients with 'moderate' covid-19 disease severity, as defined by comprehensive guidelines for management of covid-19 patients, directorate general of health services, mohfw, goi; and having any of the following symptoms and signs prior to randomization: fever, cough, with or without sore throat/throat irritation, body ache/headache, malaise/weakness, diarrhoea or gastrointestinal upset, with or without anorexia/nausea/vomiting, with or without loss of smell and/or taste, shortness of breath/breathlessness and difficulty in breathing respiratory rate of >24 to <30 breaths/min, spo2: 90 - 93% on room air patients with positive rt-pcr test for sars-cov-2 in nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal swabs (sample collected within 7 days prior to randomization) elevated crp, esr or ferritin levels in case of female patients of child-bearing potential, a negative urine pregnancy test prior to beginning the therapy. willing to sign voluntary informed consent for participation in the study and willing to adhere to all protocol procedures. in case the subject is unable to provide informed consent than the same should be obtained from legally acceptable representative (lar).