Created at Source Raw Value Validated value
Sept. 11, 2022, 4:30 a.m. irct

[{"arm_notes": "", "treatment_id": null, "treatment_name": "TODO Treatment - DrugsPatients are randomly divided into two intervention and control groups by using a quadruple block. Patients who are in the intervention group are treated for 3 months with olfactory training with the four main scents of rose, eucalyptus, clove, and lemon. After three months after the beginning of the study, the SIT test and the quality of life are done again and the results are compared with each other.", "treatment_type": "TODO", "pharmacological_treatment": "TODO"}, {"arm_notes": "", "treatment_id": null, "treatment_name": "TODO DiagnosisControl group: Patients in the control group are followed up for three months and after three months they are expected to have olfactory rehabilitation", "treatment_type": "TODO", "pharmacological_treatment": "TODO"}]

[{"arm_notes": "", "treatment_id": 919, "treatment_name": "Olfactory training", "treatment_type": "Olfactory training", "pharmacological_treatment": "Non pharmacological treatment"}, {"arm_notes": "", "treatment_id": 2188, "treatment_name": "Standard of care", "treatment_type": "Standard of care", "pharmacological_treatment": "Standard of care"}]