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June 2, 2022, 1:42 p.m. irct

having chronic lung disease Pregnant women Having autoimmune disease History of allergy to the seaweed or its derivatives History of bronchospasm after using of N-acetylcysteine Having chronic liver disease History of phenylketonuria Having bleeding (Massive hemoptysis, gastrointestinal bleeding, epistaxis, purpura, ecchymosis) Neutrophil count of less than 500 mmc A platelet count of less than 2000 mmc Having acute hepatitis

having chronic lung disease Pregnant women Having autoimmune disease History of allergy to the seaweed or its derivatives History of bronchospasm after using of N-acetylcysteine Having chronic liver disease History of phenylketonuria Having bleeding (Massive hemoptysis, gastrointestinal bleeding, epistaxis, purpura, ecchymosis) Neutrophil count of less than 500 mmc A platelet count of less than 2000 mmc Having acute hepatitis