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Oct. 7, 2021, 9:30 a.m. oms

1. Rheumatoid arthritis. 2. Autoimmune diseases. 3. Previously diagnosed cardiac diseases (ischemic). 4. Chronic decompensated systemic disease prior to the diagnosis of COVID-19. 5. Creatinine 1.25 times higher than the normal value or creatinine clearance less than 50 milliliters / minute (Cockfrot and Gault method), prior to the diagnosis of COVID-19. 6. Blood hemoglobin less than 10g / Dl, prior to the diagnosis of COVID-19. 7. Increase in the last month of diastolic blood pressure to 110 mmHg or more and / or appearance of hematuria or proteinuria greater than 300 milligrams / day. 8. Intestinal pseudo-obstruction. Defined as abdominal pain, with airborne levels on radiographs of the AP abdomen and lateral foot. 9. Pregnant and lactating women. 10. Drug addiction (illicit drugs). 11. Known liver disease prior to the diagnosis of COVID-19 with a doubling of liver function tests (Aspartatoamine transferase (AST), Alaninoamine transferase (ALT), Alkaline phosphatase, Bilirubins). 12. Presence of Cancer. 13. Other pathologies at the discretion of the researcher.

1. Rheumatoid arthritis. 2. Autoimmune diseases. 3. Previously diagnosed cardiac diseases (ischemic). 4. Chronic decompensated systemic disease prior to the diagnosis of COVID-19. 5. Creatinine 1.25 times higher than the normal value or creatinine clearance less than 50 milliliters / minute (Cockfrot and Gault method), prior to the diagnosis of COVID-19. 6. Blood hemoglobin less than 10g / Dl, prior to the diagnosis of COVID-19. 7. Increase in the last month of diastolic blood pressure to 110 mmHg or more and / or appearance of hematuria or proteinuria greater than 300 milligrams / day. 8. Intestinal pseudo-obstruction. Defined as abdominal pain, with airborne levels on radiographs of the AP abdomen and lateral foot. 9. Pregnant and lactating women. 10. Drug addiction (illicit drugs). 11. Known liver disease prior to the diagnosis of COVID-19 with a doubling of liver function tests (Aspartatoamine transferase (AST), Alaninoamine transferase (ALT), Alkaline phosphatase, Bilirubins). 12. Presence of Cancer. 13. Other pathologies at the discretion of the researcher.