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Sept. 1, 2021, 11 p.m. oms

7-point ordinal scale for clinical improvement in COVID-19 [Ref: Ader; F. (2020) Protocol for the DisCoVeRy trial: multicentre; adaptive; randomised trial of the safety and efficacy of treatments for COVID-19 in hospitalised adults. BMJ open; 10(9); [Online] Available from:] will be used to define the primary outcome. The percentage of participants being in the first three categories will be calculated as the primary outcome measure.1. Not hospitalised; no limitation on activities; asymptomatic2. Not hospitalised; limitation on activities 3. Hospitalised; not requiring supplemental oxygen 4. Hospitalised; requiring supplemental oxygen 5. Hospitalised; on non-invasive ventilation or high flow oxygen devices 6. Hospitalised; on invasive mechanical ventilation or ECMO 7. Death. [Day 14 and 28 from date of admission]

7-point ordinal scale for clinical improvement in COVID-19 [Ref: Ader; F. (2020) Protocol for the DisCoVeRy trial: multicentre; adaptive; randomised trial of the safety and efficacy of treatments for COVID-19 in hospitalised adults. BMJ open; 10(9); [Online] Available from:] will be used to define the primary outcome. The percentage of participants being in the first three categories will be calculated as the primary outcome measure.1. Not hospitalised; no limitation on activities; asymptomatic2. Not hospitalised; limitation on activities 3. Hospitalised; not requiring supplemental oxygen 4. Hospitalised; requiring supplemental oxygen 5. Hospitalised; on non-invasive ventilation or high flow oxygen devices 6. Hospitalised; on invasive mechanical ventilation or ECMO 7. Death. [Day 14 and 28 from date of admission]