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May 14, 2021, 12:45 a.m. oms

1. The school’s contact management policy does not conform to national standards 2. Inability to support in-school LFD testing (i.e. not part of the NHS Test and Trace Asymptomatic Testing Site network) Exclusion criteria for DCT (in the intervention arm): 1. Contact of a non-school index case 2. Household contact of a diagnosed COVID-19 positive individual 3. Symptomatic individuals

1. The school’s contact management policy does not conform to national standards 2. Inability to support in-school LFD testing (i.e. not part of the NHS Test and Trace Asymptomatic Testing Site network) Exclusion criteria for DCT (in the intervention arm): 1. Contact of a non-school index case 2. Household contact of a diagnosed COVID-19 positive individual 3. Symptomatic individuals