Created at Source Raw Value Validated value
May 5, 2021, 11:29 a.m. oms

[{"arm_notes": "", "treatment_id": null, "treatment_name": "The enrolled patients are randomized using Robust Randomization App (RRApp) using a block randomization technique and are allocated to four groups accordingly\u2014 PI; NaClO2; CPC and water control group. Prior to saliva collection; patients are asked to refrain from eating; drinking; or performing oral hygiene procedures for at least 30 min. Three milliliters of saliva is collected by the passive drool technique from all the enrolled COVID-19 patients at four time points. Firstly; a baseline saliva sample is collected prior to the intervention of the mouth-rinse. Immediately after this; patients are requested to rinse their mouth with the allocated mouth-rinse for 30 seconds. Commercial mouth-rinses are prepared at the dilution and dosage recommended by respective manufacturers. In brief; in the PI group 5 ml of PI mouthwash (commercially available as Betadine Gargle and Mouthwash 1%) diluted with 5 ml of water (0.5%) is used whereas in NaClO2 group; 15 ml of undiluted NaClO2 mouthwash (commercially available as Oxyfresh Pro Formula) is used. In the CPC group and water control groups; 20 ml of CPC (commercially available as Pepsodent Active Defense mouthwash) and 15 ml sterile water is used; respectively. Three milliliters of saliva is collected again from all subjects five minutes after the use of mouth-rinse. In order to evaluate the duration of the efficacy of mouth-rinses; salivary samples are collected at the 3 h and 6 h post-rinsing.", "treatment_type": "TODO", "pharmacological_treatment": "TODO"}]

[{"arm_notes": "", "treatment_id": 1214, "treatment_name": "Sodium chlorite", "treatment_type": "Mouthwash", "pharmacological_treatment": "Non pharmacological treatment"}, {"arm_notes": "", "treatment_id": 1015, "treatment_name": "Povidone-iodine", "treatment_type": "Mouthwash", "pharmacological_treatment": "Non pharmacological treatment"}, {"arm_notes": "", "treatment_id": 268, "treatment_name": "Cetylpyridinium chloride", "treatment_type": "Mouthwash", "pharmacological_treatment": "Non pharmacological treatment"}, {"arm_notes": "", "treatment_id": 2187, "treatment_name": "Placebo", "treatment_type": "Placebo", "pharmacological_treatment": "Placebo"}]