Created at Source Raw Value Validated value
Feb. 27, 2021, 12:45 a.m. oms

All 1,312 households that were randomly selected for our earlier survey were included in the target list for follow-up interviews. If the household from the earlier survey round could not be reached by phone, then it could be replaced by a nearby household in the same or a neighboring village. These households were located in 332 villages, the village leader and water committee leader (if a water committee existed) were also interviewed in the first survey round. These individuals were eligible for interviews in the phone survey rounds. In the event that they could not be reached, replacements were handled on a case by case basis. See details on the first survey here:

All 1,312 households that were randomly selected for our earlier survey were included in the target list for follow-up interviews. If the household from the earlier survey round could not be reached by phone, then it could be replaced by a nearby household in the same or a neighboring village. These households were located in 332 villages, the village leader and water committee leader (if a water committee existed) were also interviewed in the first survey round. These individuals were eligible for interviews in the phone survey rounds. In the event that they could not be reached, replacements were handled on a case by case basis. See details on the first survey here: