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Oct. 26, 2020, 8:29 a.m. oms

Number of days (hospitalization days) for the body temperature to return to its normal level (equal or above 37.8 ºC in the armpit). The assessments will be performed during the 05 days of the study.;Reduction in cough (subjective assessment performed every 6 hours). The assessments will be performed during the 05 days of the study.;Assessment of O2 saturation (SpO2) every 6 hours. The assessments will be performed during the 05 days of the study.;Daily assessment of arterial blood gases and partial pressure of O2 (PpO2). The assessments will be performed during the 05 days of the study.;Day of hospitalization on which patient assumed levels of respiratory improvement; during the 05 days of the study; according to graduation: a. hospitalized on mechanical ventilation; b. hospitalized with noninvasive ventilation or high flow nasal cannula; c. hospitalized with supplemental oxygen; d. hospitalized without supplemental oxygen.

Number of days (hospitalization days) for the body temperature to return to its normal level (equal or above 37.8 ºC in the armpit). The assessments will be performed during the 05 days of the study.;Reduction in cough (subjective assessment performed every 6 hours). The assessments will be performed during the 05 days of the study.;Assessment of O2 saturation (SpO2) every 6 hours. The assessments will be performed during the 05 days of the study.;Daily assessment of arterial blood gases and partial pressure of O2 (PpO2). The assessments will be performed during the 05 days of the study.;Day of hospitalization on which patient assumed levels of respiratory improvement; during the 05 days of the study; according to graduation: a. hospitalized on mechanical ventilation; b. hospitalized with noninvasive ventilation or high flow nasal cannula; c. hospitalized with supplemental oxygen; d. hospitalized without supplemental oxygen.