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Oct. 26, 2020, 8:29 a.m. oms

1. 18 years old or older2. Patients who have been confirmed of COVID-19 infection and has evidence for pneumoniaA. Confirmation of COVID-19 infection by RT-PCR of SARS-CoV-2 B. Definite diagnosis of new infiltration of the lungs by chest CT scan of chest radiographic inspection3. Patients who are within 72 hours of COVID-19 pneumonia confirmation 4. Patients with 3 (hospitalization, not requiring supplemental oxygen) or higher in seven-category ordinal scale of clinical status5. Patients who are eligible for diagnosis/evaluation to chest CT scan and related to it6. Patients should be able to understand the essence of the clinical trial and to submit a written consent document. For the patients who can understand the nature of the research but cannot sign the document, a relative can agree to the study.

1. 18 years old or older2. Patients who have been confirmed of COVID-19 infection and has evidence for pneumoniaA. Confirmation of COVID-19 infection by RT-PCR of SARS-CoV-2 B. Definite diagnosis of new infiltration of the lungs by chest CT scan of chest radiographic inspection3. Patients who are within 72 hours of COVID-19 pneumonia confirmation 4. Patients with 3 (hospitalization, not requiring supplemental oxygen) or higher in seven-category ordinal scale of clinical status5. Patients who are eligible for diagnosis/evaluation to chest CT scan and related to it6. Patients should be able to understand the essence of the clinical trial and to submit a written consent document. For the patients who can understand the nature of the research but cannot sign the document, a relative can agree to the study.